An enamel pin (also known as lapel pin) is a small art item that is often worn on clothes, bags or fabric, and can either be purely decorative or as a statement. When I graduated and decided I was going to explore my creative side a bit more, I wanted to make something to hold or wear. The choice was not hard to make as soon as I discovered the enamel pin. Pins are small, easy to fly across the ocean to international buyers and relatively inexpensive to make. The only problem at the time was to get my designs produced I needed to order them in a large batch. I tried my luck by launching a crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter. It was a great way to test the waters and to see if there was an actual interest in my designs. The first campaign became a huge success and I got my series of hard enamel timber wolf pins manufactured. After sending out the pins to all the investors from the Kickstarter campaign, I started selling the remaining pins through my Etsy store. Not long after the first endeavor to create pins, I felt the need to create a second series, this time featuring tigers with an elemental theme. For the future I have a couple of other projects in mind, including a series of dog breeds.